Visited the Canadian Museum of Human Rights as part of an anniversary date with my lovely wife. It was chosen as a venue as I wanted something new and different we could experience together. This would of included a learning opportunity as well in the hope we came away more passionate or motivated from the experience.
Walking up to the building I cant helping thinking that the strange appearance is all part of what makes museums interesting and attractive. Most of the famous museums around the world are designed by mad men that wanted to shock and awe the public with their outrageous designs that only made sense to them. Of course any museum would take you on an hour tour if you would like an explanation on this but if you looking for understanding then don't waste your time. So I digress and quiet my mind to enjoy the view. Why not indulge in an artistic impression which will not be viewed any where else in the world. Get with it George its Freedom of expression, freedom of censorship and freedom of mind. Hence we in the CMHR so I guess it all makes sense.....or does it?
Overall I found the museum lacking. I did enjoy the opportunity of putting my thoughts up on the wall as part of the museum landscape. One had two opportunities to record your thoughts and post them up as part of the museum. I embraced this with all my being and proudly said what had to be said. My wife who is my personal editor and counselor in this fine land was on hand to view and approve of them before the public was witness. I therefore ensured I did not cross the fine line in fear of censorship. My thoughts were posted as below.....
"Education is vital. Remember Africa is not a country!"
"Within a split second your mind stereotypes, Catch this before the conclusion and make it your own"

I found the rest of the museum to be luke warm. As a South African I need to see shock and disgust to get my mind going. Putting up exhibits that are mildly interesting and not offensive should be removed. There are so many fundamental issues going on at the moment that we need current issues platformed and not government sponsored artistic messages. Think of who owns the museum and who are its biggest backers. Are there any issues not being represented here because of conflict of interest? Of course!! Its sometimes so obvious. Human Rights is on going and not a specific event in the past. Therefore the representation should be on going as well and not exclusive. These curators are in a tough spot and we demand our expectations met. I can think of many human rights addresses that are being fought right here in Canada. I would love to see these brought to our attention in the CMHR. I do fear that the Canadian psyche of self censorship will prevent it from portraying human rights abuses in the pornographically real and violent setting which is needed to evoke the emotional attention.
This is my opinion and thoughts but you go make up your own and then comment on this blog. You can join a tour by clicking on one of the links below. Enjoy the latest tourist attraction in Winnipeg.
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